Exploring the unseen, unspoken, unheard emotions that most men conceal, afraid of being judged and to avoid feeling embarrassed. I am exploring male masculinity and their vulnerability as our expectation and perception of men is unrealistic, ‘manly’ and ‘emotionless’ is the way we want them to be. Initially my focus was within the Asian community because people close to me struggle with non-sexual male to male contact; however, several people rejected to model for me when they heard about makeup and the type of poses they needed to do.
The reason being, ‘that’s for girls’, ‘it’s weird’.
Moving forward and exploring the same concept I decided to be open about my subjects. This project is about exploring male masculinity through their clothing, make-up, poses and the colours used for the backdrops. This is also a chance for my sitters to explore themselves and be confident in trying something that the society has forbidden them from doing